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Dr Farbod Akhlaghi

Stipendiary Junior Research Fellow in Philosophy, Christ’s College, University of Cambridge, Visiting Research Fellow, Trinity College, Dublin, and Caroline Miles Scholar, Ethox Centre 

May 2024

Dr Farbod Akhlaghi is Caroline Miles Visiting Scholar at the Ethox Centre. He is currently a Stipendiary Junior Research Fellow in Philosophy at Christ’s College, University of Cambridge. From August 2024, Dr Akhlaghi will be Assistant Professor in Moral Philosophy at Trinity College, Dublin, where he is presently a Visiting Research Fellow. He received his DPhil in Philosophy from the University of Oxford, supervised by Prof Roger Crisp and Prof Timothy Williamson, and received his other degrees from Reading, St Andrews/Stirling, and Cambridge.

Dr Akhlaghi’s research lies within moral philosophy, metaphysics, and its intersections. One of his research projects is on the ethics of transformative experience, asking what is at stake when we face transformative choices – choices that will change who we are and which we cannot know what they will be like for us until we experience them. At Ethox, he is exploring the ethics of transformative experience specifically in the context of mental health care, particularly in psychotherapy and psychiatry.

Portrait of Farbod Akhlaghi