Support for Ethics Committees
The Centre has been at the forefront of the development of ethics support for health professionals within the UK NHS since 1999. The work of the Centre in this area includes:
- Research into the provision of clinical ethics support in the UK (study funded by the Nuffield Trust 1999-2001).
- Setting up and supporting the UK Clinical Ethics Network; a network of clinical ethics committees throughout the UK. Find out more about the current activities of the network.
- Developing a practical guide for clincial ethics committees.
- Developing the UK Clinical Ethics Network website as a publicly accessible resource for information and education on ethical issues in clinical practice.
- Liaising with national organisations such as the GMC and Royal Colege of Physicians on ethical issues in clinical practice.
- Providing advice to health professionals on specific ethical issues arising in clinical practice.
- Developing the UK Genethics Club; a discussion forum for clinical geneticists on ethical issues relating to their work.
- Mike Parker is an honorary clinical ethicist at the John Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust
- Tony Hope and Anne Slowther are members of clinical ethics committees in Oxford and Coventry.
- Michael Dunn provides ethics support and training in residential care settings
- Mike Parker has run a monthly ethics case conference at the Oxford Regional Genetics Service since 1999