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current academic visitors & scholars

Visit Ethox Opportunities to find out more about our scholarship and visitor programmes.


Isaac Jarratt Barnham

Teaching Fellow in Medical Ethics and Law, Ethox Centre

Isabel Hanson portrait image

Dr Isabel Hanson

General Practitioner, primary care academic, and health policy advisor

Andrew Markus Visiting Scholar, Ethox Centre

Portrait of Jo Li

Jo Li

Postdoctoral Researcher, ATTUNE Project 

Portrait of Sakshi Setia

Sakshi Setia

MSc Student, Translational Health Sciences, Nuffield Department of Primary Care and Department of Continuing Education

Visiting Student, Ethox Centre

Portrait of Tim Lowe

Dr Tim Lowe

Research Lead, Thames Valley Police Violence Reduction Unit 

Police Data Ethics Fellow, Ethox Centre


Portrait of Wakithi MabasoWakithi Mabaso

Academic Visitor, Ethox Centre

Professor Jonathan Montgomery

Professor Sir Jonathan Montgomery

Professor of Healthcare Law, University College London

Visiting Professor, Ethox Centre


 Ethox Associate Faculty are former Ethox colleagues who continue to collaborate with the Centre.

Portrait of Arsenii AlenichevArsenii Alenichev

Institute of Tropical Medicine





Mikey DunnProfessor Michael Dunn

National University of Singapore




PhD Maureen Kelley - Professor of BioethicsProfessor Maureen Kelly

Oregon Health & Science University




Research Associates

Ethox Research Associates are colleagues from other departments in Oxford or institutions elsewhere with whom we collaborate closely.

Dr Gill Black.jpgDr Mary Chambers_2.jpg Professor P Y CheahDr N DesmondProfessor B FarsideDr C FosterRachel Gur-ArieProfessor M HarrisonDr C HeeneyDr C HoDr D KamuyaDr E KestelynDr C KongDr Jenny Krutzinna 2.jpgKatherine LittlerProfessor A LucassenProfessor V MarshProfessor S MolyneuxSreymom Pol.jpgDr S SariolaProfessor J SavulescuDr Mira Schneiders, University of OxfordProfessor J SeeleyProfessor I SinghDr P TindanaDr K VoigtDr J de VriesProfessor D Wilkinson

Previous Academic Visitors and Scholars