Clinical Health Ethics
In their day-to-day practice, health professionals are called upon to make clinical and value judgements about which among a range of available options is the best for the particular patient. Value judgements might include those about which course of action would be in the best interests of a patient lacking capacity; about the quality of life of patients in intensive care; about whether in a particular case a foreseeable harm to a third party is sufficiently serious to justify a breach of patient confidentiality. Good practice requires that decisions about the choice of particular courses of treatment be justified on the basis of good evidence; it also requires that health professionals and managers are able to provide good reasons for the value judgements that inform their decisions. The Ethox Centre has a major research interest in the ethical issues arising in day-to-day clinical practice and in the management of healthcare organisations.
Michael Parker
Ethox Centre Director and Professor of Bioethics
Mark Sheehan
Oxford Biomedical Research Centre Ethics Fellow
Ingrid Slade
Wellcome Research Fellow in Society and Ethics
Ruth Horn
Associate Professor in Ethics
Angeliki Kerasidou
Associate Professor in Bioethics
Halina Suwalowska
Researcher in Global Health Bioethics