Adeline Perrot and Ruth Horn have published a paper and accompanying blog, in the Journal of Medical Ethics, examining how England, France and German deal with the conflict between the principles of promoting the rights of people living with disabilities and preserving women's reproductive autonomy.
The article and blog focus on the recent case in England of Crowter and Lea-Wilson, supported by the ‘Don’t Screen Us Out’ campaign, challenging the UK Secretary of Health and Social Care.
Their examination of this legal case underlines the need to reiterate the importance of promoting civil rights, care and inclusion of people with disabilities, while preserving women’s reproductive autonomy. The authors conclude that both these principles can be defended without having to take sides or neglect either of them.
These articles are part of the project: Non-invasive prenatal genetics and genomics in England, France and Germany - Exploring practical ethical issues 'on the ground'
Perrot, A, Horn, R. Preserving women's reproductive autonomy while promoting the rights of people with disabilities?: the case of Heidi Crowter and Maire Lea-Wilson in the light of NIPT debates in England, France and Germany. J Med Ethics. (2022). doi: 10.1136/medethics-2021-107912
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