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Ethical implications of disparities in translation genomic medicine: from research to practice.

Journal article

Suleman M. et al, (2024), J Med Ethics, 50, 435 - 436

Assembling a global health image: Ethical and pragmatic tensions through the lenses of photographers

Journal article

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A Large Language Model Approach to Educational Survey Feedback Analysis

Journal article

Parker MJ. et al, (2024), International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education



Bull S. and Parker M., (2024), Public Health Ethics Analysis, 193 - 201

Introduction: Research Ethics and Health Policy in Epidemics and Pandemics


Parker M. et al, (2024), Public Health Ethics Analysis, 1 - 22

Getting rights right: Implementing 'Martha's Rule'

Journal article

GRAHAM M. et al, (2023), Journal of Medical Ethics

Ethical issues in Nipah virus control and research: addressing a neglected disease

Journal article

Johnson T. et al, (2023), Journal of Medical Ethics

"The Nobodies": unidentified dead bodies-a global health crisis requiring urgent attention.

Journal article

Suwalowska H. et al, (2023), Lancet Glob Health, 11, e1691 - e1693

The importance of getting the ethics right in a pandemic treaty.

Journal article

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Public health use of HIV phylogenetic data in sub-Saharan Africa: ethical issues.

Journal article

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Invisibility in global health: A case for disturbing bioethical frameworks

Journal article

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Genomic Diagnosis of Rare Pediatric Disease in the United Kingdom and Ireland

Journal article

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Managing expectations, rights, and duties in large-scale genomics initiatives: a European comparison.

Journal article

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