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Getting rights right: Implementing 'Martha's Rule'

Journal article

GRAHAM M. et al, (2023), Journal of Medical Ethics

Why research ethics should add retrospective review.

Journal article

Dawson A. et al, (2019), BMC Med Ethics, 20

Current model infrastructure and responsivity


Wolfe I. et al, (2019)

Co-Production: An Ethical Model for Mental Health Research?

Journal article

Lignou S. et al, (2019), Am J Bioeth, 19, 49 - 51

Services and Boundary Negotiations for Children with Complex Care Needs in Europe


Brenner M. et al, (2019), Issues and Opportunities in Primary Health Care for Children in Europe: The Final Summarised Results of the Models of Child Health Appraised (MOCHA) Project

Principles for provision of integrated complex care for children across the acute-community interface in Europe.

Journal article

Brenner M. et al, (2018), Lancet Child Adolesc Health, 2, 832 - 838

Informed consent in cluster randomised trials: new and common ethical challenges.

Journal article

Lignou S., (2018), J Med Ethics, 44, 114 - 120

Referral–discharge interface.


Wolfe I. et al, (2017)

Reconstructing communities in cluster trials?

Journal article

Lignou S. et al, (2016), Trials, 17

Towards an Alternative Account for Defining Acceptable Risk in Non-beneficial Paediatric Research


Lignou S., (2016), Research Ethics Forum, 4, 163 - 173

Manipulation of information in medical research: Can it be morally justified?

Journal article

Lignou S. and Edwards SJL., (2012), Research Ethics, 8, 9 - 23

Evidence of efficacy and human right to health.

Journal article

Edwards SJL. et al, (2012), Am J Bioeth, 12, 35 - 37

The ‘Standard of Care’ Debate and Global Justice in Research

Journal article

Lignou S., (2011), Research Ethics, 7, 5 - 12