Jennifer Roest
Contact information
Jennifer Roest
Research Fellow in Ethics and Maternal and Child Health
Jennifer Roest is a researcher at the Ethox Centre, focusing on gender and health ethics.
Her work currently explores the ethics of gender equity focused health research as part of the Wellcome Trust funded Equity and Difference study.
Jennifer is also completing her DPhil at the Ethox Centre on the ethical dimensions of work with men and boys for gender equality.
She has conducted qualitative research on issues relating to research ethics, vulnerability and agency, gender inequality, child and women’s rights, child protection, and sexual and reproductive health for over ten years in both high and low-income settings.
She has an MSc in Development Administration and Planning from UCL's Development Planning Unit and a BA in Philosophy from UEA.
Recent publications
The challenges and potential solutions of achieving meaningful consent amongst research participants in northern Thailand: a qualitative study.
Greer RC. et al, (2023), BMC Med Ethics, 24
Respecting relational agency in the context of vulnerability: What can research ethics learn from the social sciences?
Roest J. et al, (2023), Bioethics, 37, 379 - 388
Culturally responsive research ethics: How the socio-ethical norms of Arr-nar/Kreng-jai inform research participation at the Thai-Myanmar border.
Khirikoekkong N. et al, (2023), PLOS Glob Public Health, 3
Vulnerability and agency in research participants' daily lives and the research encounter: A qualitative case study of participants taking part in scrub typhus research in northern Thailand.
Greer RC. et al, (2023), PLoS One, 18
Research ethics in context: understanding the vulnerabilities, agency and resourcefulness of research participants living along the Thai-Myanmar border.
Khirikoekkong N. et al, (2020), Int Health, 12, 551 - 559